Thank you very much for saving my OS from such a bad situation. and i also have some experence for green hand like me .
when u open regedit from recovery , you will start form X: not C:, So when you load the System.reg your shold select from C:/windowns/...
and when you find the[Class\{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\UpperFilters]\ you can't delete it away , the right entry is
and the [Class\{71A27 CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\UpperFilters] is
Then I get my computer back.
Best wishes.

中文的小伙伴,那个加载注册表,要 C盘加载,从文件夹:加载配置单元到 注册表编辑器
它临时的在注册表创建一个分支,名 可以随意,编辑完成以后关闭就保存 。
注意不要直接删除两个class里面的输入 项,建议参照我上传的图片里面修改 正常的数值。
另外删除文件夹的时候可能需要获得 级管理员的权限。 实在不敢再用这个软件了,吓死人。