I am struggling to get HDM to create the backup policy I am after, so I am after advice on the issues, or maybe my backup plan itself.

I have a 1TB disk in my laptop, split into 6 partitions for various functions.
(1,2) Two are an XP boot, for which I have disk images and don't need regular backup as they don't change. I keep them because I have apps that don't work on Win7.
(3) One is Win7 OS. I think incremental backups on this will fill with windows detritis, hence my desire not to backup whole 1Tb like this. Instead, I have a folder backup of \users as a compromise. It captures desktop, documents, and multiple IMAP emails under \appdata (not essential but GB and takes ages and security hoops to reload online).
(4) Personal data files: incremental is appropriate. Includes non-standard types like matlab and pSpice.
(5) Project data files: incremental is appropriate. Includes non-standard code files.
(6) 600Gb of Workspace. Incremental is appropriate, but lengthy baseline image that I don't need or want to create every week.
I have a USB 2TB backup disk.

a) I started with single backups of 3,4,5,6. Paragon promptly lost the single backup task to (6), although the backup files are still there. I can't see a way to add it back or reconnect with those files.
b) I want to move the backup folders, but even though the single backup tasks (3,4,5) are there, I can't see how to edit the path. Same issue with the setting for 4Gb files. It seems I have to re-create all these from baseline in the new location to be able to use incremental backups?
c) I added one backup job for C\users, but whilst it says I can chose #increments before baseline, this doesn't appear to be an option. Nor does anything less frequent than daily, meaning 1Tb baseline every week if I set all partitions like this, for <1Gb user files. I also distrust frequent baselines when I can only store 1-2, as failures only show when the damaged files are used.
d) Having added the backup job, I appear to have run out of Free HDM backup tasks. I read that I can activate 5x, did so again, was allowed to create 1 more task then was again asked to re-activate.

Thanks for any advice