I feel that this is a silly question and that I should know the answer, but as I was trying to transfer my NTFS for my old Mac to the new one that I just bought I realized that I did not.

When I checked my account I found 4 licenses. 2 of those are old and no longer used, but I also saw 2 different NTFS for the Mac license. One is marked as Paragaon NTFS for the Mac (Multi-lingual) and the other is marked Microsoft NTFS for the Mac and I realize I do not know what the difference between the two is, nor which one I should be installing on the new Mac. I guess the problem is that NTFS for the Mac runs so well that I paid no attention to it after installing, and thus forgot which one I had installed on the old machine. In trying to figure that out I realized that I did not even know what the differences between the products is.

Can anyone tell me what I should already know? Thanks.