I'm trialling Linux File Systems for Windows to have read/write access to an ext4 partition which contains a Ubuntu installation; this works as expected. In the last few Windows releases, Microsoft have introduced Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL), a way to run Linux in Windows, this is particularly useful for developers. However, it does not support various kernel features and it's not possible to mount drives directly into a WSL session. It's also not possible to mount a Linux File Systems for Windows drive in WSL.

My feature suggestion is to make the necessary changes that will allow such a drive to be mounted in WSL and additionally (if Microsoft expose an API for this) to manage the linux file system attributes and owner/group correctly.

It's possible to mount mapped network drives in WSL, e.g.
sudo mount -t drvfs -o rw,noatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=2,fmask=113,metadata Z: /z
, this would be useful for part #1.