Hello, my home computer was hit by malware and I successfully restored two system drives from latest Paragon image.
Windows starts and everything seems as before except problem with regular system backup. While the engine is able to make basic image, when it's on incremental image, it always reboots computer and does the snapshot offline.

If I look to psi.out, it ends with

* Store disks or partitions increment to virtual containers:
	* pri - 0(0x0),
	* pin - 0(0x0),
	* diff method - 0,
	* base path - "Z:/Toshiba-Windows8.1/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02.pfi",
	* label - "Backed up on 03.11.2017 06:50:43".
* Parsing file "Z:/Toshiba-Windows8.1/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02.pfi": 
* Parsing simple file "Z:/Toshiba-Windows8.1/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02.pfi": This is DOS name: "/Toshiba-Windows8.1/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02.pfi".
* Getting full filename from location struct:
	* name - "/Toshiba-Windows8.1/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02.pfi".
* Result is: "Z:/Toshiba-Windows8.1/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02/Toshiba-Windows8.1_2017-10-31_12-04-02.pfi".
* Adding errorcode: 0x0 ("Successful operation").
* Calling subroutine "check_error".
* Scanning file from start.
* Returning errorcode of operation 1: 0x0 ("Successful operation").
* Beginning IF operator with clause: FALSE.
* Ending of IF operator.
* Analyzing ENDCALL lexem.
* Scanning file from start.
* Applying operations
* Adding errorcode: 0x1100b ("Restart is needed for operations completion").
* Closing stub...
* Stub closed.
* Ending work.
Weird is that the system is able complete full drive image online without any issues (except it takes very long).
The force offline issue affects only incremental backups.
I'm doing the backups by automated launcher script.

Can I get some resolution.. thanks in advance.