Thanks John, I've since uninstalled the software after discovering the issue was married with using odrive's sync client on an external USB3.0 hard drive. I've been using odrive for years to sync my external NTFS volume with my cloud storage much like dropbox but better meets my needs. I discovered the odrive sync service consumes massive amounts of CPU when Paragon is installed. Paragon and my system both run fine when odrive is not running. Uninstalling Paragon and odrive is a non-issue and unfortunately I need odrive more.

I may decide to re-install because the built-in Mac NTFS drivers have been terribly unreliable for me as it pertains to thumb drives with both read+write access where the appropriate /etc/fstab commands still don't work. However it seems to work just fine for the above mentioned external drive which is odd. If I do re-install I'll be sure to check back here report back or if needed follow the procedures you linked above. Thank you.