In installed B&R 17 CE to try it out before purchasing the full Disk Manager version. I'm running Win10 Pro R1909

Install went with out any issues.

I tried running a simple incremental chain backup on the entire computer (about 1.2 TB of data across 3 drives). Only changes to default configuration was that I turned on encryption. Backup proceeded to start smoothly. About 1 hour in the time remaining counter started going up, and I could tell no new files were being created in the backup folder. An hour later, no new files were created and the remaining time counter was up to 19 hours. Every time I would change form another app to B&R a brief dialog would flash on the screen (had to use the iPhones slow mo mode to capture). Dialog said something about "Checking Data Validity".

I canceled the backup. Took 2 hours to cancel. I rebooted the machine.

Decided to split up into multiple backups by drive. Again, only change to default incremental settings was password protection

First backup of one drive went smoothly (120 GB of data).

Second backup of another drive (620 GB of data) is stuck. This time it got stuck as soon as the backup kicked off. It is on the step "Preparing to back up..." and has staid there for 1 hour.

Suggestions on how to resolve this are appreciated ... I'm closed to uninstalling and looking for a new solution.