Like i said, HDM 15 is rock solid, i use it everyday. It's what i use on my work and home machines. 15 isn't the problem 17 is. I recommended HDM to a couple clients that needed a imaging tool based on my personal experience with 12,14,15. In HDM 17 Adv, I didn't realize the GUI is missing half the options i see in HDM 15 Pro. When i try to do a simple imaging of the OS drive it just locks up. I ran CHKDSK last time i was at the location and it tested fine. I didn't install my copy of 15 because i didn't think i could. I use 15 Pro on my systems running Win 8.1 Pro.

The user i'm helping with this is NOTED AND REMOVED. I had him recently buy 16 but a few weeks later 17 came out. So we requested an upgrade to 17. 17 is what we have been working with.