Hey guys,

I am having an issue with backups on my NAS drive which is mapped. (No username/password ; open)

I am using Windows 11, but I've tried on multiple different computers using Windows 8 and 10 and having the same exact issue.

When I choose my destination (Either "Local Folders" or "Network locations") everything is fine. I can backup / restore, everything is flawless.

Whenever I close the program and reopen it, the destination shows that it's no longer available. Then if I click on this to choose the destination and choose the same folder, it stays not available, but I can choose another folder and click to choose again my original folder and it works. But then again, closing the program loose access.

So it's not an access issue because I can see, access, backup and restore everything. But scheduled backups are not working which is my problem.

Anybody have any ideas what the issue is ?